Hello! Welcome to my new blog about an amazing man, Tony Cervati.
Please bear with me, and join me/hold my hand on my blogging adventure.
Before my daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, I would have had ten posts written, not overanalyzed every word, changed the wording a zillion times, but not for nothing, since her dx, I'm not the same person.
Yes, my life has changed, my daughter's life has changed.
Dealing with Juvenile Diabetes is literally a 24 hour game that makes up it's own rules.
When the numbers are good, I feel like I won a prize, a big teddy bear. When the numbers are bad, and I can't get them "good", no matter how hard I try, I feel like I just lost all my money in the slot machines.
Or for you guys in Jersey, one of those stuffed animals that looks like an alien with bad material that you throw out on the way to your car.
This is why I have decided to work with Tony Cervati. No matter how good or bad his numbers are, he always feels like he won the lottery, and you know what, I will get there also.
Tony was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes when he was eight years old.
Tony is 41 now, though in person, he looks at least twenty years younger, with no complications at all, and a passion to help children and their parents deal with Juvenile Diabetes. YES!!
I "met" Tony on Facebook.
I don't remember who "friended" who first, but when I checked out Tony's webpage, I almost freakin fainted.
Here I am, afraid that my daughter might go low doing gymnastics, and Tony is a mountain biker, motivational speaker with such strength and courage, that I felt guilty not letting my daughter to lessons due to my own fears
I pm'd Tony a question about my daughters blood sugar, and was shocked when he replied.
An instant friendship was born.
I starting reading his blogs, looked at his blood sugar numbers, which are literally phenomenal, but what really blew me away was a race that he's going to do in 2011, the "Tour Divide"
The Tour Divide starts in Canada and ends in Mexico.
This is no ordinary race, this is a "what the hell are you thinking" race.
Not just for someone with Type One, I mean anyone!
Tony will be going through mountains at unheard of elevations, will be dealing with the elements, sleeping on dirt, but the biggest thing to me was, where the heck is going to keep his insulin and fast acting on a bike?
This is no "candy coated" race, this is down right crazy, in a good way.
The race covers 2,745 miles, it's the longest and toughest mountain bike race on the planet being 95% off road, covering 200,000 of elevation, and it must be completed completely unassisted.
I'm proud when I get where I can with a broken GPS... sure puts things into perspective.
He told me that he will be wearing his Navigator, YEA! The man also is a Navi lover, but even so, what happens if Tony gets sick?
He will be in the middle of nowhere, and it could take hours for someone to help him, by PLANE.
I'm like, OMG...
Tony was also discouraged by some doctors, not good.. just makes him more determined
Tony is doing this race for my daughter, your daughter, your son, your brother, well you get the point.
Tony wants to prove that Type One Diabetics have no reason to live their dreams, reach for the mountains, okay, cliche there, LOL..but seriously, if Tony can do this, there is no excuse for anyone with diabetes to not reach for the stars.
Now let me get this straight, Tony is "Tony Cervati" TypeOneRider, not to be confused with "TeamTypeOne"
I made that mistake
Team Type One is great as well..
They have seventeen members, and four of them are Type One, that is fantastic.
But there riding is very different than Tony's, so if your fans of them, great, but I just wanted everyone to know that there is a major difference in the riding, riding styles etc.
In my next post, I will tell you about my first meeting with Tony, and how I asked him to pick up his shirt so I could feel his stomach.
Now get your minds out of the gutter, I wanted to feel if he had scar tissue, nope, but why wasn't I afraid to ask, and why would he do this?
Because like it or not, all of us with Type One in our lives are connected on some level.. Like it or not.
And not for nothing, I'm proud to be "connected" with Tony Cervati.
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